The story so far at Draycott

After some delays, the work at Draycott got underway in the middle of November on digging out the section of canal that runs parallel to Derby Road in Draycott.
Due to finding water voles along the central section of the canal at Draycott, during a survey which was part of the planning application conditions, the project was split into 2 phases. The first phase would be the section at Derby Road to create a new home for the water voles during the summer.. The plan was to catch the water voles in March before the breeding season has started, and give us time to erect a fence around their new home and plant food for them to eat.
All was going well through December and over Christmas but we, and the contractors Killingley, had not allowed for Storm Christoph. Killingley had managed to dig out and line about 3/4 of the Derby Road section before disaster hit. The amount of water that came off the fields and down the 2 brooks at Hopwell Road and halfway along the canal, overpowered everything. The site was completely flooded with the possibility of it overflowing onto the railway. As Network Rail are sponsoring this work, on the canal we did not want to cause further problems, so the end bund that had been constructed to keep the water in was broken to allow the water to flow under Derby Road bridge and into the Derwent.
As the site was flooded, Killingley could not continue to work. Until the site is dry and they could continue to work, it was agreed that they would remove their equipment and workers from site. We are awaiting a revised plan of how the work can continue safely, how the flood damage can be repaired and how the water can be diverted while the work continues.
As soon as we have a new plan of the works we will let you know and reapply for closure of the canal path.
David Savidge